Dharma Vahini

sri sathya sai szervezet mo.  | 2004  | papír / puha kötés  |  146 oldal

Libri Antikvárium
Lord Krishna, while sermonising Arjuna on the tenets of dharma in the battlefield of Kurukshetra, declared: Yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati Bharata, abhyutthanamadharmasya tadatmanam srujamyaham [Oh Arjuna! When there is a decline in dharma (righteousness) and rise in adharma (unrighteousness), I incarnate Myself for the establishment of dharma]. God is the embodiment of dharma; His grace is won by following the dharmic way of life. He is ever fostering dharma, He is ever establishing dharma. Dharma expresses itself in a variety of forms. Sometimes, it is known by the people, who codified it, like Manu-dharma, sometimes by the group that followed it, like caste-dharma, sometimes by the stage of life, to which it is applied, like celibate-dharma, householder-dharma, and so forth. One has to meticulously follow the dharma prescribed for his/her stage of life. Any transgression in this regard is adharmic. Similarly, there is dharma for the male (purusha-dharma) and female (stri-dharma). Chastity is the crown jewel for womankind. They can achieve anything by the strength derived from that virtue. This little book contains the articles written by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, in the series "Dharma Vahini", for the monthly journal Sanathana Sarathi. Careful reading of this book and practising the dharmic guidelines laid down by Bhagawan Baba will help one to face the challenges of life courageously.
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Kiadó sri sathya sai szervezet mo.
Kiadás éve2004
Oldalak száma:146
Súly159 gr
Kötéspapír / puha kötés

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