Self Matters - Creating Your Life from the Inside Out

free press  | 2001  | kemény kötés  |  314 oldal

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What if there is a You that has never seen the light of day, has never got to say, "Hey, what about me?" What if there is a You that you have never even met and certainly never permitted to just be, without fear of judgment or condemnation? What if you live your life on the sidelines in constant fear of failing to please those who forever seem to stand in judgment of you and your life? What if you discovered that you had settled for what life has served up instead of what you really wanted and needed? What if you really think and feel things you have never allowed to come out, and certainly never acted on? What if your marriage is not at all what you really emotionally want and need, but you silently stay the course anyway, selling out your hope to be happy? What if you are allowing days to turn into weeks and weeks to turn into months and months to turn into years, all adding up to a lifetime of being what some nameless, faceless world has assigned you to be? If any of these "What ifs" are true in your life, then we need to talk, and through these pages, we will. First, I have some bad news, and I have some good news. The bad news is you are making the choices that have put you in this life circumstance; the good news is you are making the choices that have put you in this life circumstance. Now is the time to make the biggest choice of your life. Through Self Matters, I will help you do just that. -- Phil McGraw
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