Test our Child or How to discover and enhance your child's true potential

dorling kindersley  | 1991  | kemény kötés  |  192 oldal

Libri Antikvárium
This is a practical child development book that contains a range of simple home tests that parents can perform to assure themselves of their child's normal development. The book offers advice on what steps to take if the results are not what you expected. It also shows the role played by parents in their child's emotional and intellectual development and aims to help parents meet this challenge with confidence. "Test Your Child" sets out the ways parents may help their children to assume independence, increase imagination, overcome dislikes, foster sociability and seek individuality. It also looks at the various ways a child has of playing and discusses what toys and games to provide for your child. The book is designed to help parents to deal with problematic behaviour such as crying or tantrums in children up to five years old.
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A termék megvásárlásával

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15 000 Ft felett ingyenes

Állapot:jó állapotú antikvár könyv
A gerinc tetején apró sérülés
Kiadó dorling kindersley
Kiadás éve1991
Oldalak száma:192
Súly720 gr
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Ingyen szállítás 15 000 Ft felett
Online ár: 4 600 Ft

A termék megvásárlásával

460 pontot szerezhet

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Személyes átvétel 6-8 munkanap


Házhoz szállítás 6-8 munkanap

15 000 Ft felett ingyenes

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