Transylvania Today: Diversity at Risk

osiris kiadó  | 2013  | kemény kötés  |  392 oldal

Libri Antikvárium
Transylvania Today: Diversity at Risk, written by noted experts, describes the issues faced by minorities in Transylvania in their effort to retain their identity in an adverse environment. The essays of the book capture some of the fault lines in Transylvania, created by the incorporation of a territory with western traditions into one of Byzantine culture. Minorities, according to the official census, constitute nearly one-quarter of the population of Romania. The fascinating world of people who intend to survive, retain their ethnic identity, and do more than go with the flow is highlighted. The contributors survey the facts on the ground regarding the reality that determines the quality of the lives of minorities in Transylvania with emphasis on, but by no means exclusively on the larger minority groups. After a historical overview, the book details the markers of the minority landscape in Transylvania. A chapter on the Saxons, German-speaking descendants, who have lived over eight centuries in Transylvania, is presented. Close-up of the once vibrant, now diminished presence of Jews is detailed. The Roma speak a variety of languages, are economically disadvantaged and often victims of discrimination. Their struggles to survive are discussed in detail. Churches play a central role in the lives of indigenous minority communities. Separate chapters deal with the Catholic, Unitarian, Reformed, and the Greek Catholic Churches. The lagging restitution of property seized from the churches and minority individuals by the Communists has its own chapter. Indigenous minority languages, as well issues related to their use in education are treated separately. Additional chapters treat the judiciary as it affects minorities and the problems of objectivity in the press. A final essay addresses the means that some groups feel is the key to minority survival: autonomy.
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