Zionism Reconsidered

the macmillan company  | 1970  | papír / puha kötés  |  259 oldal

Libri Antikvárium
From the beginnings of Zionism in the nineteenth century, there has been a large body of Jewish thought that has questioned or opposed the idea of Jewish Nationalism and political power-seeking. Zionism Reconsidered is the first anthology devoted to the presentation of such views. It offers a remark-able spectrum of Jewish thinkers and writers dissent-ing from the idea of Zionism on Jewish grounds--from the traditionalist Rabbi Shulem ben Schneersohn to such contemporaries as Hannah Arendt, Philip Roth, and David Riesman. MICHAEL SELZER, editor of Zionism Reconsidered, is a young critic, scholar, and commentator on Jewish affairs. He is the author of The Wineskin and the Wizard, also published by Macmillan.
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Állapot:közepes állapotú antikvár könyv - kopottas - gyűrődésekkel
Kiadó the macmillan company
Kiadás éve1970
Oldalak száma:259
Súly300 gr
Kötéspapír / puha kötés

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Ingyen szállítás 15 000 Ft felett
Online ár: 1 200 Ft

A termék megvásárlásával

120 pontot szerezhet

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Személyes átvétel 4-6 munkanap


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