Day & Night Guide to Budapest

bookline könyvek  | 2014  | MAGYAR nyelvű

Over 150 establishments now do business in the historic ghetto of Budapest's famous pub district. The milling crowd on Kazinczy utca starting on Thursday night turns into a veritable festival. The district is packed with options and each place is different, so we've gathered the top food, drink and cul- tural critics native to the area to give you a comprehensive review of the most important and interesting places. One is wallpapered with comic books, while another gives a 360° panorama of the city from its highest point. There's a place where you can drop in anytime for Serbian food and places to party to music spun by top DJs. Beyond the bars, restaurants and clubs, there is also an exciting and colorful lifestyle to explore.
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Alekszej Navalnij: HazafiAlekszej Navalnij: Hazafi