J. K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

bloomsbury  | 2010  | ANGOL nyelvű  | PUHATÁBLÁS, RAGASZTÓKÖTÖTT  |  332 oldal

Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy. He lives with Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and cousin Dudley, who make him sleep in a cupboard under the stairs. Then Harry starts receiving mysterious letters and his life is changed for ever. He is whisked away by a beetle-eyed giant of a man and enrolled in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The reason: Harry Potter is a wizard!
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Kiadó bloomsbury
Kiadás éve2010
Oldalak száma:332
Súly180 gr
Árukód2220464 / 1076408

Vásárlói értékelések, vélemények

Pacsay Patrícia
2013. 04. 07.

A lot of people don't know that it was published in America with the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerers stone, because the title seemed to be more suitable for the American readers. It seems that more and more people would like to buy these first editions, because for many people it is a memory of childhood. However, there are people, who are not aware of the value of those copies. According to an anecdote, Nigel Reynolds the arts correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, after an interview with J.K. Rowling threw a copy of this book into the dust bin. Obviously, at that time he didnt know how valuable it would be. As for many people at my age, the Harry Potter books were milestones of my reading habits. I had never read so much before I got the first part of this series. Besides being fascinating tale with magic and imaginary creatures, the book is also about friendship, wisdom and problems occurring in real life. The story is about Harry and his friends who start their first semester in a strange and adventurous school. While studying witchcraft and wizardry, they realize that they are the ones who can help to destroy the evil. As the story starts in a common, average house with everyday people, we might think that it is just a story about a little boy. And somehow it is true because all the things that Harry goes through except the supernatural situations could happen to any of us, as at certain parts of our lives we all have to face with difficulties and decide what is good and what is wrong. Maybe, this is the reason why many children started to read this book instead of playing on the computer or watching television. J.K. Rowling gave something valuable to this generation making them/us read again. I myself have read all the parts some of them more than once although I dont have the original copy of the first edition. All the parts of this series saw me through my childhood and they were determining experience for me.

Halápi Violetta
2013. 04. 15.

Nyelvgyakorlás céljából olvastam, és még anélkül is magával ragadó könyv, hogy minden szót értettem volna belőle.

Pollák György Máté
2013. 06. 26.

Már harmadikos koromban kiolvastam magyarul az összes Harry Potter könvyvet, így 14 évesen most anyukámtól azt kértem karácsonyra, hogy vegye meg angolul az első részt. Meg is kaptam. Nagyon izgalmas így eredeti nyelven elolvasni, mert sokkal jobban bele tudod magad képzelni a könyvbe. Ráadásul az angol gyakorlás már 3 kötet után megvan :) . Ajánlom mindenkinek, mert ez a könyv nemcsak Magyarul jó hanem az eredeti nyelven is, SŐT! Eredeti nyelven SOKKAL jobb mint magyarul. Aki meg már olvasta magyarul (jó sokszor mint én :) ) Az minden szót érteni fog belőle. Ajánlom minden HP-rajongónak mert ez az angol könyv HATALMASAN JÓ!

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