John Galsworthy

Delphi Works of John Galsworthy (Illustrated)

 | 2015  | MAGYAR nyelvű

This eBook offers US customers the most complete collection possible of the works of John Galsworthy, the great Edwardian novelist and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. Presenting numerous novels, short story collections, essays and many rare texts, the edition is spiced with illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1)* Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Galsworthy's life and works* Concise introductions to the novels and other texts* ALL 17 novels published before 1923, with individual contents tables* Includes Galsworthy's first novel JOCEYLN, which he later refused to reprint - appearing here for the first time in digital format* Images of how the books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the Edwardian texts* Excellent formatting* Unique contents table for the Forsyte Saga novels* Chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the essays, poetry and short stories* The complete plays, fully indexed, with a special introductory essay by Leon Schalit* Rare short story, poetry and essay collections available nowhere else* Special criticism section, with essays by writers such as Joseph Conrad, evaluating Galsworthy's contribution to literature* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genresPlease note: to comply with US copyright restrictions, six late novels, three short story collections and four non-fiction books cannot appear in this edition. Once new texts enter the US public domain, they will be added as a free update.Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titlesCONTENTS:The Forsyte SagaThe NovelsJOCELYNVILLA RUBEINTHE ISLAND PHARISEESTHE MAN OF PROPERTYTHE COUNTRY HOUSEFRATERNITYTHE PATRICIANTHE DARK FLOWERTHE FREELANDSBEYONDINDIAN SUMMER OF A FORSYTESAINTS PROGRESSTHE BURNING SPEARTATTERDEMALIONIN CHANCERYAWAKENINGTO LETThe NovellasA MAN OF DEVONA KNIGHTSALVATION OF A FORSYTETHE SILENCEThe Short Story CollectionsFROM THE FOUR WINDSA COMMENTARYA MOTLEYTHE INN OF TRANQUILLITYMEMORIESTHE LITTLE MAN AND OTHER SATIRESFIVE TALESThe Short StoriesLIST OF SHORT STORIES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDERLIST OF SHORT STORIES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDERThe PlaysINTRODUCTION TO GALSWORTHY'S PLAYS by Leon SchalitINDEX OF PLAYSThe Poetry CollectionsEARLY POEMSDEVON AND OTHER SONGS FOR MUSICIN TIME OF WARFOR LOVE OF BEASTSTHE ENDLESS DREAMThe PoemsLIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDERLIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDERThe Non-FictionA SHEAFANOTHER SHEAFADDRESSES IN AMERICASTUDIES AND ESSAYSThe EssaysLIST OF ESSAYS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDERLIST OF ESSAYS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDERThe CriticismJOHN GALSWORTHY: AN APPRECIATION by Peter ThomasonJOHN GALSWORTHY by Joseph ConradA GLANCE AT TWO BOOKS by Joseph ConradGALSWORTHY: A SURVEY by Leon SchalitPlease visit to browse through our range of exciting titles
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