Boris Vian

Mood Indigo - Film tie

harper collins publishers  | 2013  | ANGOL nyelvű  | PUHATÁBLÁS, RAGASZTÓKÖTÖTT  |  212 oldal

The world of Mood Indigo is a stained-glass cartoon kind of a place, where the piano dispenses cocktails, the kitchen mice dance to the sound of sunbeams, and the air is three parts jazz. Colin is a wealthy young aristocrat, a slim, innocent creature who loves easily. The instant he sees Chloe, bass drums thump inside his shirt, and soon the two are married. Typically generous, Colin gives a quarter of his fortune to his best friend Chick so he can marry Chloe's friend Alyssum. But a lily grows in Chloe's lung, and Colin must spend his remaining fortune on the only available treatment: surrounding her daily with fresh flowers. Chick squanders his share of Colin's money on rare editions of Jean Pulse Heartre, and Alyssum decides her only recourse is to murder the philosopher whose books are ruining her husband. Chick and Colin's money woes force them to sacrifice their carefree lives to soul-crushing work, and even the suicidal mice wear themselves out trying to restore the lustre to the kitchen tiles.
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15 000 Ft felett ingyenes

Kiadó harper collins publishers
Kiadás éve2013
Oldalak száma:212
Súly160 gr
Árukód2237247 / 1092047

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Utolsó ismert ár:
2 935 Ft

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293 pontot szerezhet

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Házhoz szállítás

15 000 Ft felett ingyenes

Bagdy Emőke: Második félidőBagdy Emőke: Második félidő