OCD as Seen by the Soul

 | 2020  | MAGYAR nyelvű

This book provides practical tips on how to feel better if you are struggling with obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, it's probably not exactly like the other ones you usually read. It explores this mental condition through the eyes of the soul, it is how it brings you relief. Just think about it: You can finally look at yourself from a whole new perspective, one that is kind, soothing and encouraging. It includes three decisive experiences that have happened to me on three different days when I spent a longer time alone in nature. I took notes of each day and turned them into a book. My goal was to compose a concise yet complete guidebook for those who are willing to embark on this journey and improve their condition by getting closer to their souls. This book isn't like a novel that you read through once and you can understand everything right away. It's more like a map: It guides you through a magical path, but at any given time only a certain part will speak to you, so you'll have to read it several times. Are you ready for the great adventure? I wish you great success and an amazing journey!
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