Shelley Admont

Szeretem a gyümölcsöket és a zöldségeket I Love to Eat Fruits and Vegetables

kidkiddos books  | 2023  | MAGYAR nyelvű

English Hungarian bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Hungarianas their second language. Jimmy, the little bunny, likes to eat candy. He sneaks into the kitchen to find a bag with candies that was hidden inside the cupboard. What happens right after Jimmy climbs up to reach the bag of candy? You will find out when you read this illustrated children's book. Since that day, he starts to develop healthy eating habits and even likes to eat his fruits and vegetables.
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Kiadó kidkiddos books
Kiadás éve2023
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Formátum EPUB MOBI
Árukód2768324 / 8149523

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