Nemes Roland

The First do-it-yourself Apartment evaluation book

 | 2017  | ANGOL nyelvű

Dear Reader,   You are holding in your hand the most detailed apartment evaluation book ever written. ?Would you like to know when, where and what kind of an apartment to buy to increase its price?  ?Would you like to have a life-long source of extra income for yourself or your grandchildren alongside your work? ?Would you like to have a good apartment that makes you money?   This book is the first DO-IT-YOURSELF apartment evaluation book that has specifically been written for homebuyers, home investors and home sellers! The book is the first separate part of a series on home investments and with the help of 33 practical checklists and more than 1000 housing inspection criterion included in it you will get to know the wonderful world of the property market and learn how to buy a good property at a good time and at a good location. Dear Reader, this is still possible, it only depends on you. I wish you many successful assessments with the book and an even more successful real estate investment!   Roland Nemes  
+ Mutass többet - Mutass kevesebbet
Online ár: 2 299 Ft

A termék megvásárlásával

229 pontot szerezhet

Azonnal letölthető

Kiadás éve2017
Belelapozás epub
Formátum EPUB MOBI
Árukód2711494 / 8135596

Vásárlói értékelések, vélemények

(2 vélemény)
lili pataki
2018. 04. 23.

Ha tudni szeretnéd mikor kell venni és mikor kell eladni akkor ez a könyv neked való.

Bedey Boglárka
2018. 04. 25.

Very useful and practical book! recommended:)

Kérjük, lépjen be az értékeléshez!

Online ár: 2 299 Ft

A termék megvásárlásával

229 pontot szerezhet

Azonnal letölthető

Bagdy Emőke: Második félidőBagdy Emőke: Második félidő