Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis

pearson education limited  | 2012  | papír / puha kötés  |  745 oldal

Libri Antikvárium
Were you looking for the book with access to MyMathLab Global? This product is the book alone, and does NOT come with access to MyMathLab Global. Buy Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis with MyMathLab Global access card, 4/e (ISBN 9780273787624) if you need access to the MyLab as well, and save money on this brilliant resource. This text provides an invaluable introduction to the mathematical tools that undergraduate economists need. The coverage is comprehensive, ranging from elementary algebra to more advanced material, whilst focusing on all the core topics that are usually taught in undergraduate courses on mathematics for economists. Need extra support? This product is the book alone, and does NOT come with access to MyMathLab Global. This title can be supported by MyMathLab Global, an online homework and tutorial system which can be used by students for self-directed study or fully integrated into an instructor's course. You can benefit from MyMathLab Global at a reduced price by purchasing a pack containing a copy of the book and an access card for MyMathLab Global: Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis with MyMathLab Global access card, 4/e (ISBN 9780273787624).
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Kiadó pearson education limited
Kiadás éve2012
Oldalak száma:745
Súly800 gr
Kötéspapír / puha kötés

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Ingyen szállítás 15 000 Ft felett
Online ár: 9 990 Ft

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Személyes átvétel 6-8 munkanap


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Alekszej Navalnij: HazafiAlekszej Navalnij: Hazafi