C. S. Lewis

Narnia 2. - Az oroszlán, a boszorkány és a ruhásszekrény - Illusztrált kiadás


harmat kiadói alapitvány  | 2022  | MAGYAR nyelvű  | PUHATÁBLÁS, RAGASZTÓKÖTÖTT  |  210 oldal

Narnia egy jéggé dermesztett ország, ahol sohasem jár a Mikulás és nem létezik a karácsony. A négy testvér - Peter, Susan, Edmund és Lucy - egy vidéki kastélyban álló ruhásszekrényen keresztül lép be a birodalomba, hogy felvegye a harcot a Fehér Boszorkánnyal és csatlósaival. A hó is olvadásnak indul, hiszen Aslan, a Nagy Oroszlán egyre közeledik...

C. S. Lewis fantasy sorozatának második kötetében továbbszövi Narnia csodás történetét.
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Kiadó harmat kiadói alapitvány
Kiadás éve2022
Oldalak száma:210
Súly180 gr
FordítóHáy János
FordítóK. Nagy Erzsébet
Árukód2719569 / 1178715

Vásárlói értékelések, vélemények

(4 vélemény)
2021. 04. 06.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis is a very significant novel in my opinion. In many ways, it reminds me of LOTR. Instead of taking place in the real world, the events of the book happen in an imaginary world full of magic and different species. Just as the LOTR books it doesn't idolize the typical hero figure of such stories, instead it focuses on little children being heroic (just like the hobbits - they are small and peaceful not really heroic, but the plot focuses on them). There is a mentor character in both of the books, Gandalf in LOTR and Aslan in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. These books are also similar when it comes to their own themes. J. R. R. Tolkien illustrating wanting to go back the England of his own childhood, while The Chronicles of Narnia focusing a world for children. When it comes to allegory, J. R. R. Tolkien himself despised allegory and had no intention to LOTR to be interpreted as an allegoric novel (many think that Frodo taking the ring to Mordor is an allegory to the crucifixion). The same phenomenon that happened to The Chronicles of Narnia since the death and resurrection of Aslan might be interpreted as an allegory of Jesus Christ, however, Lewis explains that the character of Aslan is not allegory at all. Story-wise I consider this book as a light reading, easy to read for both children and adults. The characters are lovable and full of emotions. Both books received phenomenal movie adaptations, I recommend watching the movies too, with breathtaking visuals and authentic characters. I would recommend reading this book for those who want to turn back to the world of fairytales and freedom, where the possibilities are limitless, and you are free to let your imagination wander away. I also suggest this book for those who wish to get away from the greyness of everyday life and want to cozy up with a good, adventurous novel. I am sure this book will guarantee a very good reading experience. (J0XPEH)

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